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107 scholarship(s) found.
  Scholarship Field of Study Value Deadline
Matthew Ray Memorial Bursary Any $500 n/s
CTV Incorporated Bursary in Honour of Brenda Wallace Any $1,400 n/s
Irvine G. Reilly Scholarship Engineering, General $5,000 n/s
Dr. Laxman (Lucky) Amaratunga Memorial Scholarship Metallurgical EngineeringMining and Mineral Engineering $500 n/s
Pan American Silver Corp. – Future Leaders in Mining Scholarship Mining and Mineral Engineering $5,000 n/s
St. John Ambulance Bursaries Nursing/Registered Nurse (RN, ASN, BSN, MSN) n/s n/s
Imperial Oil Higher Education Awards Any n/s n/s
The Faculty Award for Excellence in Second-Year English Literature English Language and Literature, General $500 n/s
Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education Undergraduate Scholarships Engineering, General $1,500 n/s
Francine and Kent Floreani Bursary Biology/Biological Sciences, GeneralBusiness Administration and Management, GeneralPhysical Sciences $1,000 n/s
TPEI Accounting & Education Foundation Scholarships Accounting $10,000 n/s
Dr. Dorothy Zaborszky Memorial Scholarship English Language and Literature, GeneralWomen's Studies $800 n/s
Scotiabank Mobility Scholarships Any $2,000 n/s
Club Montessori Architecture Scholarship Architecture (BArch, BA/BS, MArch, MA/MS, PhD) $5,000 n/s
Jim Fielding Memorial Bursary Any $15,000 n/s
HARD-LINE Award in Mechatronics Mechanical EngineeringMechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering $1,000 n/s
Darcy Noelle Kemp Memorial Award Social Sciences, General $200 n/s
Academic Pathways Scholarships Any $1,000 n/s
Orica Mining Engineering Scholarship Chemical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMining and Mineral Engineering $2,750 n/s
The Lemaire Cooperative Studies Award Any $1,000 n/s
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