Careers in Humanities and Languages

Here are the careers listed for the "Humanities and Languages" category. To view a detailed profile, including wages, educational requirements and job outlook, click on the career name.

36 Careers Require University Education

  Career Hot Careers Average Salary Salary Change Find Universities
Announcers and other broadcasters read news, sports, weather, commercial and public service messages and host entertainment and information programs f...
$32,500 - 90
Anthropologists conduct studies of the origin, development and functioning of human societies and cultures and of human evolution, changing physical c...
$38,000 - 86
Archaeologists study artifacts (objects and structures) to reconstruct past economic, social, political and intellectual life.
$38,000 - 38
Archivists manage, process, store and disseminate information contained in an organization's archives. They acquire, store and research textual materi...
$30,000 - 2
Authors and Writers
Authors and writers plan, research and write books, scripts, storyboards, plays, essays, speeches, manuals, specifications and other non-journalistic ...
$34,278 - 94
Commissioned Police Officers
Commissioned police officers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate police force administration and police activities such as maintaining law an...
$107,494 +7.91% 177
Conservation and Restoration Technicians
Conservation and restoration technicians assist conservators to preserve/restore artifacts. They may specialize in a specific type of collection.
$35,173 +17.43% 9
Conservators restore and conserve paintings, photographs, sculptures, furniture, pottery, and other works of art / antiquity. They provide consultatio...
$57,803 +8.94% 71
Copywriters study and determine selling features of products / services and write text for advertisements / commercials.
$57,533 +8.81% 27
Court Officers and Justices of the Peace
Court officers co-ordinate the administrative and procedural functions of federal, provincial and territorial courts, such as scheduling trials and ov...
$53,497 +18.36% 212
Criminologists study crimes: their causes, effects, and impacts. Criminologists analyze data to identify patterns of behaviour, to predict and deter f...
Curators recommend the acquisition of paintings, photographs, sculptures, documents, and other museum/gallery artifacts. They research the origin/hist...
$57,803 +8.94% 12
Editors review, evaluate and edit manuscripts, articles, news reports and other material for publication, broadcast or interactive media and co-ordina...
$54,746 +7.3% 207
Employment Counsellors
Employment counsellors provide assistance and information to job seeker clients on all aspects of employment search and career planning. They also pro...
$53,040 2
Historians conduct research into one or more phases or aspects of past human activity and interpret and document findings.
$70,096 +33.89% 173
An influencer is someone with a specific niche who posts and interacts with others frequently on one or more social media platforms with a dedicated f...
Intelligence Officers
Intelligence Officers are are primarily concerned with the administration and operation of government institutions, such as Parliament, and activities...
$52,769 - 163
Interpreters translate oral communication from one language to another during speeches, meetings, conferences, debates or in front of courts/tribunals...
$57,720 +17.53% 24
Journalists and Reporters
Journalists and reporters research, investigate, interpret, and communicate news and public affairs through newspapers, television, radio, and other m...
$57,762 +7.26% 79
Land Surveyors
Land surveyors direct and conduct legal surveys to establish property boundaries, and prepare/maintain associated documents.
$61,006 +18.84% 31
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