triOS Offers Tips On How To Balance Work And School This Year

By triOS College (Toronto Campus) Modified on August 31, 2017
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At triOS, students benefit from half-day classes that allow for working at a job while studying for your new career.


At triOS, students benefit from half-day classes that allow for working at a job while studying for your new career. This helps you to keep your stress level down regarding your financial situation while at school, but life can happen. Below are some tips on making the most of your life, school, and work balance.

Create a Schedule

The best way to stay on track is to have a detailed plan. Write down all of your classes and shift times and enter them on a daily calendar that is broken down into 15 minute increments. Once that is done, look at the blank spaces that remain: do you have enough time to get to and from classes to work and vice versa? If not, ask your supervisor if they can change your hours (if you explain your circumstances, they may offer extra flexibility). If transportation is an issue, try leaving earlier or finding a different way of traveling that is more time efficient.

Choose Your Priorities

An important part of scheduling is priorities. Yes, that new movie you have been waiting to see opens this weekend, but you have a project due on Monday morning, you are behind in your reading, and you have an eight-hour shift on Sunday. The movie’s ending won’t change whether you watch it this weekend or next. You are free to take the chance and hope you get everything done, but this is not a smart way to go.

Don’t Overdo It

Chances are you will have to tinker with your schedule a bit in the first couple of weeks. No one can foresee what commitments and obligations will pop up. However, you must remember to take time for yourself. While you can pass on things that simply waste time while not providing you with any benefit, be sure to continue doing those that you enjoy and find restful.

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