Related Scholarships

Below are the scholarships related to "Science"
3 scholarship(s) found.
  Scholarship School of StudyField of Study Value Deadline
William Allan Newell Scholarship Trent University, Trent University - Durham Greater Toronto Area Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal StudiesPhysical Sciences n/s n/s
Patricia Baxter Anishnabe Kwe Bursary Trent University, Trent University - Durham Greater Toronto Area Aboriginal StudiesBusiness Administration and Management, GeneralComputer and Information Sciences, GeneralComputer Engineering, GeneralComputer Programming/Programmer, GeneralComputer Science, more... n/s n/s
Eric & Carol-Ann Lugtigheid Bursary Trent University, Trent University - Durham Greater Toronto Area Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal StudiesMathematics, GeneralPhysical Sciences n/s n/s