Red Deer College International Student Stories
Could it be the fact that Tim Hortons are popping up on every street corner and you always have time to stop, not matter the line-up …? Or is it the October snow falls and mushy springs that cause Canadians to cringe and foreigners to dance with excitement at the climate change? Maybe it`s the simple fact that we hold the door open just a little bit longer, with a smile, rather than letting it hit you on the way out?
Whatever the reasons that keep students and immigrants coming to Canada year after year, and staying, Red Deer is certainly no exception to the appeal. A growing cultural hub of excitement for central Alberta, Red Deer is home to a growing population of people from all over the world. Sudan. Germany. Japan. Cuba. You name it.
For 32 year old Edwin Medina and his family, Red Deer and Red Deer College have been the realization of a dream come true.
Edwin hails from Venezuela where the people are noisy and the sun is hot. All the time. With a population of over 26 million, it`s no wonder he found central Alberta an escape and the to be the obvious next step.
It`s been Edwin`s dream since he finished high school to go to a foreign country and learn English.
“I just wanted to get out of the country!” says Edwin.
When his father passed away in grade 12, it left him as the man of the house and the responsibility was on his shoulders to care for his family. Knowing other things would have to be put on hold, Edwin enrolled in a local university and took his three-year, Bachelor of Business. Upon graduation he began working for a high-end retail company - a secure comfortable position for anyone. But that passion to see a foreign land was still undeniable. Edwin and his wife had their first child, and his mother passed away 15 days later. He brought the family together for a `talk` and knew this was the time to break out and fulfill his dream.
So, what began as a 21-day trip to Canada, has now ended up being the fulfillment of a dream and the journey of a lifetime for Edwin and his family. While in Red Deer and, big surprise, standing in a Tim Hortons line-up, he took the chance at asking the lady taking his order if there was anywhere in Red Deer he could study English. “Yes! Red Deer College,” she said. She gave him directions, and upon arriving on campus he just happened to meet the right person, at the right time, and she told him that he could even take his English level test the next day. “I will be there,” he responded with excitement and heart beating fast. Edwin passed the test, receiving his Level 2. “Now what?” he asked himself. The common question many ask when the dream has actually been placed in your lap and it freezes you for a few moments of uncertainty before you realize that anything less than the dream would be settling. The Medina family gave their notice at their jobs in Venezuela and committed to coming to Canada for a year to study English. That was three years ago. “We have a future here you know?” My daughter looks out the window in the beginning of winter and says ‘where is the snow?’ with eager anticipation. Edwin is currently in his 2nd year of Business Administration. It’s the same degree he received in Venezuela, only this time in English. “1991 was a long time ago!” says Edwin. The future that was once a foggy dream, is now a reality for Edwin and his family. “I see my future very good. RDC helps me put my knowledge and education into practise, and in another language! I just love Canada!”