Minimize Your Stress For Applying To Post-Secondary

By Centre for Arts and Technology (Kelowna Campus) Modified on November 05, 2014
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Reduce your stress when applying to post-secondary with the following steps


It can often be an overwhelming process to choose the right school, even more so when you are looking at going to school in a different country. There is however steps you can take to minimize the stress of applying school.

  1. Think about what is important to you
    • What goals do you have?
    • Do you mind being in a large classroom with many other students, or would you like small classes where you get to know your classmates and instructors?
    • Consider an online quiz that can help you determine whether you are ready to attend post-secondary.
  2. Research and create a list of what schools fit with what you are looking for
  3. Narrow down the list
    • Do you meet their admission requirements or are there some classes you need to take before you can apply?
    • Consider the reputation and grad statistics of a school. Have the grads been successful and satisfied with their education?
    • What living accommodations will you need?
  4. Make a financial Plan
    • Evaluate tuitions from the schools on your list and add in all other expenses.
    • Ensure your numbers include ALL expenses such as book, supplies, commuting to school and student fees. Include a contingency fund for unexpected opportunities and expenses.
    Consider using an online budget worksheet.
  5. Apply to the school
    • Speak with a Program Advisor to make sure you have all the necessary paperwork in order.
    • Research and apply if necessary for a student visa for the country where you will be a student.
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