Financing Your UNBC Education as an International Student
Studying in Canada as an international student can get expensive. At the University of Northern British Columbia, we are dedicated to helping all students achieve their post-secondary goals. The Awards and Financial Aid department at UNBC is here to help students obtain the funds necessary for them to complete their UNBC studies.
UNBC Awards
International students entering their first year of studies in an undergraduate degree program are automatically considered for the UNBC International Student Scholarship, valued at $1000. There are 10 of these awards available each year and to be eligible all you have to do is apply to UNBC!
International students who continue their full-time undergraduate studies at UNBC are eligible to receive the International Student Academic Excellence Scholarship. Students who have demonstrated outstanding academic excellence in the previous academic year at UNBC are automatically considered for this award, valued at $1000.
Upon completion of their first year of studies at UNBC, international students are eligible to apply for a wider pool of UNBC awards. The deadline to apply for these UNBC awards is March 1.
Non-UNBC Funding Options
Students can also choose to obtain external funding. Scholarships, bursaries, and loans are all options that can assist students in financing their post-secondary education. Many websites, such as and, link available external awards to your profile so you can easily apply to all the awards you are eligible for.
Some international students may choose to fund their education through on-campus or off-campus employment. Check out the UNBC Student Career Centre for a current listing of student employment opportunities.
Want more information about becoming an international student at UNBC? Check out the UNBC International Education website or contact us at – we’re happy to help!
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