Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship Recipients 2021

By Scholarships Canada Modified on December 13, 2021
Tags : Scholarships

Get to know the 22 recipients from all across Canada.

Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship Recipients 2021

Meet the 2021 Manulife Life Lessons winners

Alexandra K.

Western University | Education

"Our ultimate goal is to make our mom proud and try to impact the world in such a positive way like our mother did..." Read Alexandra's story.

Amber S.

Ryerson University | Social Work

"Receiving this scholarship would allow me to work less, in order to put more focus and energy into school and succeed/excel as a student social worker..." Read Amber's story.

Andrew H.

McGill University | Business

"If we had life insurance, I would have been able to consider living with my brother and worry less about how I will repay my student debt while raising my brother after graduation..." Read Andrew's story.

Aria C.

University of British Columbia | Business

"If my father knew about estate planning and how affordable term life insurance is, we would probably not be in the situation we are in today. I'm going into business school to learn more about what my parents could have done to prepare us. I'm not afraid to share my story because I know some of my experiences will act as a survival guide for those going through the same thing..." Watch Aria's story.

Britni W.

York University | Business

Daniel S.

University of British Columbia | Economics

"My father's death made me realize that life is too short. I gained a deeper appreciation of the blessings in my life and took the initiative to make a difference in my community by volunteering over 100 hours a year..." Read Daniel's story.

Elizabeth M.


"Life tried to bring us down, but we came out willing to work hard to turn it around..." Read Elizabeth's story.

Emily P.

University of Montreal | Health Sciences

Emily W.

University of Ottawa | Biomedical Sciences

"Now, more than ever, I understand the dire financial strain that my father's passing caused, something that would have been diminished with the safety net of life insurance..." Read Emily's story.

Fernando N.

McMaster University | Nursing

"Although some days are harder than others, I always achieve my responsibilities because I want my father to be proud of me..." Read Fernando's story.

Gracee F.

Western University | Kinesiology

"My unbreakable perseverance would not allow our financial situation to decide our fate..." Read Gracee's story.

Imane F.

University of Toronto | Physics

"Being new immigrants to Canada from Morocco, we didn't have much, and my parents made many sacrifices so that we would have a chance at making a life for ourselves. All I've ever wanted is to make them proud by getting the education they never had..." Read Imane's story.

Jersey S.

Dalhousie University | Medicine

"Since my dad's passing, I have felt driven to pursue medicine. I hope to become the first doctor in my family..." Read Jersey's story.

Jordan S.

Cambrian College | Medical Radiation Technology

"It was already so stressful and emotional grieving the loss of my dad, but it was truly unsettling to be grieving while at the same time wondering how we would afford his funeral..." Read Jordan's story.

Lee-An P.

George Brown College | Human Resources

"If my dad had insurance, then my mom would have been able to afford the funeral expenses... would have kept saving for my education and... we would have been able to move forward..." Read Lee-An's story.

Molly D.

Mount Saint Vincent University

"Because my parents did not have any life insurance, my siblings and I were on our own to provide for ourselves. If they did have insurance, I would not have had to re-route my education plan and we might have not had to move..." Read Molly's story.

Ojima E.

McMaster University

"My father had a way of motivating those around him to excel. He actively wanted me and my brothers to achieve more than he ever could. I choose to honour his memory by going above and beyond the aspirations he had for me in all aspects of life..." Read Ojima's story.

Olivia V.

University of New Brunswick

"My mother has shown me courage and bravery, and she taught me that you can never dream too big if you have the dedication. One thing I am certain of is that my mother wanted to see me succeed, and I will not disappoint her..." Read Olivia's story.

Raihanna R.

McGill University | Political Science, World Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

"With [my father's] passing, I have lost my biggest supporter, stability, home, and access to our savings. This scholarship will enable me to get back onto the path I have worked so hard to create and receive the education I need to prevent others from going through the same pain..." Read Raihanna's story.

Veronica S.

University of Waterloo | Political Science

"Despite my father's passing, his determination to continue his education inspired me then and inspires me now. After my undergrad, I plan to complete a master's degree in International Relations or Environmental Resources Sustainability..." Read Veronica's story.

Wilemijn V.

Conestoga College | Nursing

"I was determined to continue my post-secondary education in order to make my mom proud, be there for my dad, and get my dream job of being a nurse..." Read Wilemijn's story.

William C.

Western University | Computer Science

"With adequate life insurance, choosing to pursue a post-secondary education would not have been a difficult decision..." Read William's story.

Read all the winners' stories

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