How is University Different from High School?

By Bangor University Modified on July 09, 2024
Tags : Academics | Campus Life | High School

Discover the top three ways your time at university will be different than high school.

 How is University Different from High School?

If you’re about to start university or you’ll be applying in the fall, you might be wondering how going to university will be different than going to high school. It can be an intimidating transition, but the more you know what to expect, the easier it’ll be to settle in. Check out how Bangor University is different from high school:

Classroom to lectures

Unlike teachers, university lecturers are there to give you some of the information, point you in the right direction, and then leave you to it.

How much time you spend in the lecture rooms will depend on the course you choose. Science related courses will have lectures, field trips, lab work and workshops while humanities courses (such as English History or Languages) will have some time spent in lectures but also a lot of free time to read more about the subject in your own time.

Support services

The main difference between high school and university is the freedom. You’ll need to manage your own time, your workload and finances but there will be plenty of support at Bangor to help you do so. The freedom might be a bit overwhelming at first, but you will be surrounded by thousands of other students in the same situation and there will always be someone there to help you if you need it.

At Bangor, you’ll be given a Peer Guide — a student that’s in their second or third year and already been in your shoes. Peer Guides are there to help you settle into life at university.

Although you’ll be expected to do some work outside of your classes on your own time, universities will also offer support services that can help your studies. You’ll have access to your own personal tutor who will be there to offer support and assistance whenever you need it.

Need a quiet place to study? The library will be the ideal place to read, find out more about your subject, and is the perfect place to work on your essays and coursework in a peaceful, quiet, and distraction-free environment.

New skills

Unlike high school, you won’t have anyone to remind you that you have an essay due in next week. It’ll be up to you to get your work in on time. You’ll really need to develop self-motivation and independence. Make the most of it! Your time at university will be a great opportunity for you to stand on your own two feet and learn a lot of new things.

Remember that you’ll probably be looking for a job at the end of it. Employers will be looking for transferable skills such as excellent communication skills, teamwork, problem solving, meeting and managing deadlines, and self-motivation. All of these things can be achieved during your studies at university.

And remember, it’s not ALL about work. Your time at university will also be the time when you’ll meet friends for life, discover new places and try out new things. Clubs and societies are all free to join at Bangor and they’re a great way to meet people and make memories.

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