What to Expect at the University of New Brunswick

By University of New Brunswick - Fredericton Modified on August 08, 2024
Tags : Campus Life | Community

Check out these tips to help make your transition from high school to university at UNB easier.

 What to Expect at the University of New Brunswick

Making the transition from high school to university can be daunting, and you might be feeling a little overwhelmed by your new surroundings. Have no fear! The University of New Brunswick community is staffed with hundreds of faculty, administrators, and student mentors who hope to make your time at UNB the best years of your life! Here are a few tips to help make your first few weeks at UNB stress-free.

Finding classes

We've all seen the movies where students are frantically scrambling to their next class. Fortunately for you, that issue will never present itself at UNB! Our academic orientation events will allow incoming students to become familiar with the buildings on campus before the arrival of upper-year students. The UNB app also features a handy campus map, so you will always have that information at your fingertips.

Throughout the first couple weeks of classes on the Fredericton campus, there will be several information kiosks located in key areas, staffed by volunteers who are ready to point you in the right direction.

Saint John's smaller campus makes it easy to navigate and houses underground tunnels for inclement weather. If you're still unsure about finding your way around campus, you can use the student recruitment office in Oland Hall as your homebase each day. Our helpful staff will help guide you on your way until you are comfortable with the campus.

Getting books

Textbooks can be expensive, no question about it. However, there are several ways you can save on books. Firstly, don't jump into buying any books before going over the syllabus with your professors. They might specify a certain version of the textbook in class or may even indicate that the book is not necessary.

Another great resource for students is UNBSU's Book Buy and Sell, which is held during the second week of each semester. This event allows students to buy and sell previously used textbooks, and you can often find everything you need for a much lower price. When purchasing books from UNB's campus bookstores, keep an eye out for used copies, which are often a fraction of the cost.

It is also possible to rent new textbooks from the bookstore, with the only stipulation being that you return them following the exam period. Finally, there are often digital versions of textbooks available for e-readers and computers. Find the version that works best for you and get to reading.

Creating a schedule

Now that you are a university student, it is more important than ever to be organized. Whether you are living away from home for the first time or commuting to campus, creating a detailed schedule allows you to manage your time effectively, avoiding all-nighters. Some things you can schedule into your daily routine include classes, meals, hitting the gym, studying, and of course, social time.

An easy way to keep track of your busy life is to mark it all down on a dry-erase board or in your UNB agenda. You can also easily access your class and exam schedules on the UNB App, as well as through your UNB e-services.

Finding great study spots

University is the perfect time to develop new study skills and a huge component of that involves finding the right study environment for you. Are you a social individual who learns best by working with others? Then the Student Union Building or the Thomas J. Condon Student Centre might be your ideal locale.

Do you prefer a quiet location with few distractions? The Hans W. Klohn Commons or Harriet Irving Library provides the perfect atmosphere for quiet study sessions. In addition, each residence building is equipped with designated study spaces, for those who want to hit the books in the comfort of their new home.

Getting involved

When you are not studying, there are plenty of ways to become involved on campus. Interested in sports? Join a club team, participate in intramural sports, or cheer on our varsity teams. Is student engagement more your style? The UNBSU and UNBSRC are always looking for volunteers at numerous campus events.

Most faculties and disciplines have their own student societies, where you can connect with students with similar interests. There is truly something for everyone on campus, from the Bangladesh Students Society to the Cricket Club.

Incoming students will have the opportunity to explore many of these clubs and societies at the annual corn boil, held during Orientation Week on the Fredericton campus.

Connecting with classmates and making new friends

University is the perfect time to create friendships that will last a lifetime. How should you go about meeting like-minded individuals? Firstly, follow all UNB-affiliated social media accounts that pertain to you and your interests.

Whether it is the student union's Twitter accounts or residence Facebook groups, these forums will allow you to stay up-to-date on any upcoming events and activities. Once you are plugged in, be sure to attend anything that catches your eye. Now is the time to explore your interests and step outside of your comfort zone. Whether it is a coffeehouse or an evening at the campus pub, you will be sure to meet like-minded individuals.

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