9 Factors to Consider When Choosing a University

By University of Waterloo Modified on September 27, 2024
Tags : Academics | Campus Life | Community | High School

What to think about when it's time to choose the right school for you!

9 Factors to Consider When Choosing a University

Are you thinking about going to university? With so many different options, it can be difficult to decide which university is right for you. Luckily, we put together nine key factors you should consider to help make your decision easier.

1. Academic programs

The most important part about deciding whether a university is for you is making sure they offer programs that you're interested in. Analyze what your favourite subjects are, what you're passionate about, and what careers you could someday see yourself in. Once you find programs you're interested in, be sure to do your research. Check entry requirements, opportunities for co-op or internships, and whether the program can lead to further studies or careers.

2. Location

University might be your first time living away from home, so think carefully about location. Do you want the energy of a big city or the calm of a smaller town? Decide if you want to live on campus or at home and consider how far you're willing to travel. Also, factor in living costs like rent and transportation.

3. Campus environment

You'll spend a lot of time on campus, so make sure it suits you. Consider whether you prefer a student town with a bustling campus or one that's more spread out and in the city. Think about what amenities each school has — like a gym, a pool, or biking paths — and whether you want a large school with diverse opportunities or a smaller, close-knit community.

4. Housing options

If you're not living at home, housing is a huge factor. A lot of first-year students opt for residence because it's close to everything and makes it easy to meet people. But if you're thinking about off-campus housing, be sure to compare the costs and what you get with each option — like whether you'll have a kitchen, laundry facilities, or study areas.

5. Food choices

Food matters, especially if you're moving away from home! Look into the meal options on campus, including dining hall hours, menu variety, and how they accommodate dietary restrictions. And if you plan on cooking, see if your housing has a kitchen or if there are grocery stores nearby.

6. Finances

Budgeting is key in university. Consider tuition costs, how much financial support you'll receive, and what scholarships or bursaries are available. Also, think about other expenses like textbooks and housing. Be sure to explore opportunities for paid internships or part-time work on campus if you know you want to work while in school.

7. Extracurricular activities

University is about more than academics! Extracurriculars are so important to your university experience, and can look good on a resumé, too. Consider what clubs, organizations, and sports teams are available that align with your interests. Make sure the university offers activities that can help you develop new skills, make friends, and enjoy your time outside of class.

8. Transportation

Getting around is important, both on and off-campus. Look into how well the university is connected to the surrounding city. Consider public transit options, whether a transit pass is included in your fees, and how close the university is to airports, train stations, or other transport hubs if your hometown is far away.

9. Career preparation

Another important thing to consider is how a university can prepare you for the future. Investigate the career services available, such as resumé workshops and co-op programs. If you're considering graduate studies, find out how the university supports those goals. Whether it be continuing your education or entering the workforce, learning how your degree will translate into a career is important.

Learn more about how to choose the right university program for you

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