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6 scholarship(s) found.
  Scholarship Field of Study Value Deadline
Alberta Blue Cross Scholarships for Indigenous Students Any $1,500 January 31, 2025
Red Deer Polytechnic Entrance Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries Any n/s May 31, 2025
Red Deer Polytechnic Apprenticeship Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries Any n/s May 31, 2025
Red Deer Polytechnic Continuing Student Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries Any n/s May 31, 2025
Alberta Blue Cross Scholarships for Mature Indigenous Students Any $1,500 January 31, 2025
WCW Craig Kelman and Associates Scholarship Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Manag. and Recycling Tech./Technician $500 February 01, 2025