Memorial University – St. John’s Campus

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Memorial University of Newfoundland brings together an impressive collection of students, teachers, researchers, and scholars who have created a distinctive environment conducive to learning, personal growth, and expanding knowledge for today and tomorrow. One of the top comprehensive universities in Canada, programs at Memorial range from the arts to music to engineering to environmental science.

Capitalizing on its unique mid-north Atlantic location, Memorial emphasizes outreach education by serving as a community resource and expanding its international linkages to promote individual, cultural, and economic growth. The University offers a high quality, affordable educational experience at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Areas of Expertise

Memorial University is one of the largest universities in Atlantic Canada, offering more than 300 program options to a student population of almost 19,000. The largest of our campuses is located in Newfoundland and Labrador’s capital city, St. John’s. On the St. John’s campus you’ll find state-of-the-art facilities and first-rate services.

On Campus Housing

 # BedsLowestHighest
Co-ed:1,500 bedsLowest: $1,947Highest: $2,591
Family:Lowest: $1,047Highest: $1,047

Paton College and Macpherson College residence listed per semester.

Family Accommodation listed per month.

Meal plans are required for Paton College and Macpherson College.

7-Day Unlimited
(includes $100 flex dollars per semester)$2,640 - $2,770
5-Day Unlimited
(includes $200 flex dollars per semester) $2,640 - $2,770

Off Campus Housing

 # BedsLowestHighest
Other:Lowest: $400Highest: $900

Prices vary depending on landlord renting the accommodations, distance from campus, cost of utilities, etc.

Incoming Students

First Year Information (FYI) is for any new Memorial University student. Here, you'll find answers to the many questions you may have about selecting and registering for courses as you prepare for your first year at university.

Career Planning

Career Development in Student Life is central to the learning experience at Memorial. Career hosts events and programs, and has resources to help students along the way. You can explore your career options, build work experience, and meet employers.

Several of Memorial's programs offer a co-op option. The co-operative education system offers alternating semesters of classroom study and work term placements in local, national, and international businesses. The goal is to weld theory and practice, creating highly qualified, experienced professionals.

The Student Volunteer Bureau is an excellent resource for students avail of if they are interested in gaining valuable experience through volunteering.


The St. John's Campus has an Olympic size swimming pool, aerobic room, complete fitness centre, and basketball courts (indoor and outdoor), along with indoor track and fields. The new field house complex enhances Memorial's athletic offerings. Collectively, Memorial's recreational complex is called The Works.

MUN Sea-Hawks are regular competitors in men's and women's varsity (AUAA) play, all campuses offer recreational and intramural activities.

The St. John's Campus is close to excellent hiking and cross-country skiing trails.


Clubs at Memorial include:

  • the Alexander Murray Geology Club
  • Anime Film Society
  • Archaeology Club (MUNARCH)
  • Association for Baha'i Studies
  • Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs (ACE)
  • Barnes House
  • Bio-Chemistry Society
  • Biology Society (BIOS)
  • Blackall House
  • Bowater House
  • Burke House
  • Burton's Pond Student Association (BPSA)
  • C'MUN Outdoors Club
  • Certified Management Accounting Society (CMA)
  • Chemistry Society
  • MUN Chess Society
  • Chi Alpha
  • Chinese Christian Fellowship
  • Chinese Scholar and Student Association
  • Christian Fellowship (Intervarsity)
  • Classics Society
  • Commerce Society
  • Computer Science Club
  • Coughlan House
  • Curtis House
  • MUN Debating Society
  • Doyle House
  • Drama Society
  • Economics Society
  • Education Society
  • Engineering "A" Society
  • Engineering "B" Society
  • Memorial English Students' Society (M.E.S.S.)
  • EnviroMUN
  • MUN Film Society
  • Folklore Students' Society
  • Forestry Society
  • French Club
  • Frontier College
  • Geography Society (MUGS)
  • German Society
  • Hatcher House
  • MUN HEMP Society
  • History Society
  • International Student Centre (ISC)
  • Learning Disabilities Society
  • MUN Liberals
  • Linguistics Society
  • Mathematics and Statistics Society
  • Medical Students' Society
  • MOD II
  • MUN Society of Creative Anachronism
  • Music Society
  • Muslim Students' Association (MSA)
  • MUN New Democrats
  • MUN Nursing Society (MUNNS)
  • Out On Campus
  • PC MUN
  • Pharmacy Society
  • MUN Philosophy Society
  • Physical Education Society
  • Physics Society
  • Political Science Society
  • Psychology Society
  • MUN Rifle Club
  • Rothermere House
  • Russian Circle
  • Salvation Army Student Fellowship (SASF)
  • Shaft Society
  • Ships R' Us
  • SMURF Society (Scouters at Memorial University Undertaking Rovering Frequently)
  • Social and Cultural Anthropologists at MUN (S.C.A.M.)
  • Social Work
  • Association of Society for Creative Anachronism (MUNSCA)
  • Students of Indigenous Descent (MUNSID)
  • Student Alumni Association
  • Student Linguists at MUN (SLAM)
  • Student Music Society
  • Students Older Than Average (SOTA)
  • Student Parents At MUN (SPAM)
  • Squires House
  • Toastmasters Club
  • United Nations Society - MUN Chapter
  • Upward Mobility Jugglers
  • USS Avalon Society
  • WUSC (World University Services Local Memorial Committee)

Information Technology

The entire campus has access to wireless internet access. Computer labs are available in various buildings around campus.

All residences rooms have access to wireless internet. Renovated houses also include wired internet hookups, and the option to have cable tv in the room. (Cable TV requires a contract with a local cable company).


The School of Music, theatre and drama programs, and clubs and societies pertaining to cultural activities are all available. St. John's has thriving visual art, writing, theatre, and music community.

Special Services

MUNSU currently operates seven resource centres which are Intersections: A Resource Centre For Marginalized Genders, MUN Sexual And Gender Advocacy Resource Centre, Disability Information & Support Centre, International Student Resource Centre, The Circle: First Nations, Inuit, & Métis Students Resource Centre, Students Older Than Average, and Student Parent Assistance & Resource Centre. Our resource centres are safe meeting spaces, information and knowledge hubs, and peer support networks within the greater MUN community. Each resource centre was established in recognition of the needs of communities of students who are historically oppressed and marginalized and operate under a mandate challenging oppression and discrimination on campus.

Accessibility Services (The Blundon Centre) supports students with disabilities and serves to expand accessibility related to mobility, ways of learning, vision and hearing, mental health and wellness, and temporary or chronic illnesses or injuries.

The Student Wellness and Counselling Centre (SWCC) at Memorial University provides counselling, health, and wellness support for students including primary health care, counselling, health promotion, disease prevention, and wellness education.

Affiliated Institutions

Some of Memorial University's Separately Incorporated Entities:

  • Canadian Centre for Fisheries Innovation (CCFI)
  • Canadian Cold Ocean Engineering (C-CORE)
  • Centre for Earth Resources Research (CERR)
  • Fisheries Conservation Group
  • Folklore and Language Archive (MUNFLA)
  • Gardiner Centre
  • GENESIS Group Inc.
  • Harris Centre
  • Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)
  • International Centre
  • International Programs Office (IPO)
  • The J.R. Smallwood Foundation for Newfoundland and Labrador Studies
  • Labrador Institute
  • Maritime History Archive
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden
  • Ocean Engineering Research Centre (OERC)
  • Ocean Sciences Centre
  • The Works/Memorial University Recreation Complex Incorporated

Other Campuses:

  • Marine Institute
  • Ridge Road, St. John's
  • Grenfell Campus, Corner Brook

International Involvement

Memorial has a campus in Harlow, UK, 40 minutes north of London, England. Students cannot complete an entire degree at the Harlow campus, but are given the opportunity to study for a semester. Programs offered at the Harlow campus include, but are not limited to, business administration, education, and the social sciences.

The Frecker program on the French Island of Saint-Pierre is available in the fall semester for up to 30 students completing a French major. Students live with island families, immersing themselves in the culture and language. An option to complete the third year of the French major program in Nice, France is also available.

Memorial is a partner in the Canadian University Student Exchange Consortium and has formalized exchange agreements with about 20 international universities.

Cooperative education programs in business, engineering, and physical education provide work and learning experiences for students in Canada and abroad.

Campus Tour

Modified on November 24, 2023