The JCCF Photography / Digital Art Contest

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Provided byJustice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
Number Available3
DeadlineOctober 27, 2024
Type of AwardScholarship


Level of StudyHigh School Diploma; Certificate; Diploma; Post-diploma; Associate; Bachelor; Master;
Field of StudyAny Field of Study
Year of StudyAll Years
Course LoadFull-time or Part-time
School of StudyAny School
Region of StudyCanada
Schools AttendedAny School
Region of ResidenceCanada
Academic Standing0
Financial NeedNo
Status in CanadaPermanent Resident
Automatic ConsiderationNo


Capture what freedoms looks like to you

Explore the essence of freedom through art! In any democracy, individual freedoms are paramount, safeguarded by the Charter in Canada. Art serves as a potent medium to capture and shape these freedoms. Join our contest and unleash your creativity to depict what freedom truly signifies to you. Freedom of Expression: A street mural in Toronto, showcasing the vibrant expression protected by the Charter. Right to Assembly: Protesters peacefully assemble in Ottawa, exercising their Charter-protected right. Freedom of Religion: Individuals worship together in a Montreal religious centre, embodying the Charter’s freedom of religion. Equality Rights: Diverse individuals stand united, representing the Charter’s commitment to equality. Freedom from Discrimination: A workplace promotes equality, reflecting the Charter’s stance against discrimination. Submission Spectrum:
  • Photography: Minimal edits
  • Digital Art: Created entirely digitally
  • Mixed Media: Photography and Digital Art elements

Contact Information

Contact NameJustice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
Address253-7620 Elbow Dr. SW
Calgary, AB
Postal CodeT2V 1K2
Application Address
Friday, June 28, 2024

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