The Pacific Horticulture College is an accredited private college operated by a registered non-profit organization, the Horticulture Centre of the Pacific (HCP). The College is located on the HCP grounds in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 103 acres in all of which five are inspiring and educational gardens where students carry out their practicum learning. These ornamental demonstration gardens illustrate habitat planting, the grouping for display purposes of plants with similar cultural requirements to conserve labour and water, attract birds and butterflies, and demonstrate different landscape styles.
The HCP has been training individuals in the knowledge and practical skills required for a career in the ornamental horticulture industry since 1987. Due to the HCP’s special relationship with many of Victoria’s affiliated garden clubs and societies, the Pacific Horticulture College offers specialty lectures from local individuals recognized for their specific area of expertise. These enriching lectures augment the provincial curriculum as instructed by the college staff.
The Horticulture Centre library, located next to the tearoom, has a collection of over 2,500 gardening and landscaping related books, as well as magazines and trade journals. The books are catalogued using the Library of Congress system and are easy to access by searching the card files under title, author, or subject.