Encouraged by her mentor, Dr. Martin A. Fischer, a well known psychiatrist as well as a pioneer of art therapy in Canada, art therapist Lois Woolf founded the Vancouver Art Therapy Institute in 1982.
Today the school offers a diverse range of programs through distance education. The three programs are:
1. A Master of Counselling: Art Therapy Specialization (MC:AT). This is a three-year program for people with a BA. This program is incorporated into the Campus Alberta accredited Master of Counselling. Campus Alberta is a joint venture offered by three universities: University of Calgary, University of Lethbridge, and Athabasca University. See www.vati.bc.ca.
2. An advanced diploma for people who have a master's degree. This is a 15-month distance program offered directly by the Vancouver Art Therapy Institute. Cohorts start each summer. See www.vati.bc.ca.
3. A full-time 15 month diploma program for people with a BA. Please see our web site at www.vati.bc.ca.
Art therapy training at the graduate level.