Bar-Ilan University - Graduate Studies

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Founded in 1955, Bar-Ilan University is one of Israel's leading institutions of higher education, uniquely combining cutting-edge scientific research with education steeped in Jewish values and social responsibility. From 70 students to 20,000, its milestone achievements in the sciences and humanities and all fields of human endeavor have made an indelible imprint on the landscape of the State of Israel.

The university has nine faculties: Jewish Studies, Medicine, Engineering, Law, Life Sciences, Exact Sciences, Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities. These faculties are active partners in Israel's national science and technology initiatives.

Areas of Expertise

Seeking "Impact beyond Excellence," BIU has created challenge-driven research centers that embrace practical research designed to change and improve the human experience. The university has adopted innovative instructional methods while intensifying global outreach and broadening its discourse and dialogue throughout Israel and the Jewish world. A microcosm of Israeli society, BIU's diverse student body includes both secular and religious, Jews and non-Jews, new immigrants, and international students and researchers. BIU's internationally recognized academic faculty and multifaceted administrative staff round off the BIU family.

Modified on August 02, 2024

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